News: Research

UT News

Hunting for a Better Biofuel Is Scope of New UT Austin-Led Research

How to make humble switchgrass into a biofuel powerhouse.

Aerial photo shows a large field of clumps of switchgrass

UT News

The Nurdle Patrol Wages War on Plastic Pellets, With Boost from Lawsuit Settlement

Plastic pollution has contaminated every continent on Earth, and some of the smallest plastic particles, called nurdles, are among the most insidious.

Closeup image of thumb and forefinger holding a tiny plastic ball between them with a blurry beach in the background


Crazy Ants Dominate Fire Ants by Neutralizing Their Venom

It’s the first known example of an insect with the ability to detoxify another insect’s venom.

One large ant with its hindquarters raised in the direction of smaller ants