Emergency Contacts
- Police/Fire/Ambulance: 911
- Director: Dr Larry Gilbert, cell: 512-529-8815
- Managing Director of the Field Station Network: Kenneth Wray, cell: 352-278-3388
Responsibilities of All Users
a) All users will be given an orientation to the site, guidelines, access codes and maps. Users must sign the Release and Indemnification Agreement and provide their emergency contact information. Users must be fully aware of current site conditions, hazards and restrictions and take all steps to address these matters. We strongly recommend visiting in groups of at least two people.
b) Users will be included on a UT emailing list to receive updates on access and site conditions. Users must check their emails or text messages ahead of entering the site to ensure they have the latest updates since cell service is unavailable at many places.
c) All users must sign in to the log book in the BFL entry hallway lab when going to and coming back from the field unless it is during class time. Users who are only accessing facilities such as lab buildings, fish tanks & greenhouses do not fill the book unless they are going into the field. The book is the main point of reference during emergencies to determine who is on-site, where, and their contact details.
d) By entering the site, you agree that UT has no liability for damage or injury to your person or property. You also agree to abide by all UT policies (including prohibitions on alcohol, tobacco and misconduct), to the site-specific policies detailed here, and to instructions given by UT supervisory personnel.
Rules for Use
Collecting specimens at Field Stations
Always check to find out areas or species that are presently being studied by other researchers. Unusual records should be reported to the Director. All specimens and data belong to UT, although specimens may be taken for educational or research purposes with permission. Provide a report and list of species, abundances, habitats, and localities as soon as possible, but within 12 months.
Large charismatic species of flowers, butterflies, dragonflies, etc should not be collected at the Field Stations. Avoid over-collecting insects at flowers, and do not damage flowers.
General Conduct
a) No fires allowed, any time, any place, including camp stoves. This is an extremely important, non-negotiable restriction since the area is at high risk of fire.
b) Your activities should have low impact, be noise-free, and leave no trace. All traces of activity must be removed from the site on completion of the study, including flags, tags and surplus equipment.
c) You should be prepared for the remote nature of the field station, and carry a first aid kit, water, a cell phone and contact numbers of UT managers. Dress according to seasonal weather. Before proceeding to the field, each day you must check for weather conditions and fire risk. Do not proceed on red flag days.
d) We only have one staff member based at the field stations and they are not available on the weekends or after hours, apart from real emergencies.
e) Commercial use or activities are not allowed.
User Fees
The published fee schedule details the charges that should be made to grant accounts. We cannot process direct payments, credit cards or cash. Please contact the Director for details. Donations are welcome!
Categories of Users
UT Students conducting class-related research
a) Teaching faculty who wish students in their classes to have access to the Field Stations need to learn the site and keep up to date with ongoing research and station activities so they can personally orient and supervise their students and consult about projects on location. Before coming with a group of students let the Director know about the plan.
b) Students are welcome to undertake independent unsupervised studies subject to an initial review by their Course Instructor. If a Field Station site is deemed appropriate, and students have been well-oriented to the site, then the student must submit a Student Access Request form countersigned by the faculty member. This form is required before the students are provided User access.
UT Students, Staff & Faculty researchers
Any UT person intending to conduct long-term research at the Field Stations must first submit a Request for Research Activity form. Space will be assigned at the discretion of the Director, for a fixed period of time, at scheduled fee rates, after which all equipment must be removed and the site restored to initial conditions. Use of resources such as greenhouses, experimental garden, aviaries and fish tanks will be determined by the Director. Priority will be given to funded projects that include overhead return to the Field Station ORU. Director will issue keys. The researcher must arrange for orientation, appropriate safety training and supervision for any assistants or student helpers.
UT Students, Staff & Faculty volunteers
These are UT-affiliated persons who provide volunteer services around the field stations. The Director will give written permissions, set out job descriptions, training requirements, and issue keys, safety equipment and provide supervision.
Members of the public, serving as volunteers for more than 1 week
This category includes volunteers on outdoor service projects, outreach docents, and research assistants in a lab, all under the oversight of a UT Faculty member.
Must have Volunteer appointments with 0% time Workday appointment, no benefits. Submit a Volunteer Application (available from Director) and standard appointment documentation including CV and background checks are needed. Must undergo relevant EHS safety training and user orientation. Entitled to UT privileges (keys, lab access, library, EID, UT wifi, parking permits). Not allowed to drive UT vehicles or use Procard. Appointment needs to have prior approval of Director.
Public day visitors within lab building area
Must report to a Field Station Faculty/Staff person and provide identification if requested.
Public day visitors in the field site, beyond the lab building area
Only invited guests are allowed under the oversight of a UT Faculty member (see below for non-student, non-employee visitors). Need to have prior approval of Director. A UT faculty/staff member must always be present. No access to UT privileges (keys, lab access, library, EID, UT wifi, parking permits, Procard).
Same as Public day visitors. Contractors on long-term construction projects may be issued Gate and Room keys, to be returned at the end of the project. Contractors will be given rules applicable to their particular project concerning site access, times of work, use of services and safety matters.
Visiting Scholars (BS degree), Research Affiliate (PhD <3 years), Research Fellows (PhD >3 years)
The hosting Faculty sponsor needs to apply for a Workday appointment with 0% time, no benefits, max 2 years. Documentation required: CV, job description, govt ID, background check, research description & benefit to UT. Needs to have a Faculty sponsor and all relevant safety training. Entitled to UT privileges (keys, lab access, library, EID, UT wifi, parking permits). Not allowed to drive UT vehicles.
Guidelines for Non-student, Non-employee Visitors in Research Laboratories
Office of the Provost
Scope and Intent:
Non-student, non-employee visitors are allowed to participate in research laboratory activities under the following guidelines. The Department Chair shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with these guidelines for all research laboratories in the department.
- The faculty member responsible for the laboratory must invite the visitor to participate in the lab activities and shall specify the time period for this participation.
- The faculty member shall be responsible for providing the visitor all the appropriate safety training and training specific to the operations of the laboratory in which the visitor will participate. The visitor must complete all training before participating in the laboratory activities and documentation of the nature, scope, and date of training shall be made and retained by the faculty member.
- The visitor shall be provided appropriate supervision at all times while participating in the laboratory activities. Consistent with good laboratory safety practices, no visitor shall be permitted to work alone in a laboratory.
- The visitor shall agree to these guidelines and complete the appropriate release and indemnification agreement. The responsible faculty member shall retain these forms.
Indemnity and Agreement
By entering the field lab you agree that UT has no liability for damage or injury to your person or property. You also agree to abide by all UT policies (including prohibitions on alcohol, tobacco and misconduct), to the site-specific policies detailed here, and to instructions given by UT supervisory personnel.